GONE BAD joined CAVE GIRLS this past weekend for an extremely mini tour and rocked for 72 hours straight. There was rock, there was beer, there were crutches and there was sweat. Let me tell you all about it...
In case you didn't know, the people of Providence know how to fucking party. We played at building 16 with CAVE GIRLS, WHORE PAINT, Kraang and it ruled. It got so hot and heavy in there I had to rip off my shirt in the middle of SWEAT. Believe it. We weren't the only ones getting that place steamy. CAVE GIRLS killed it as usual and Sam rocked so hard, she fractured her foot. Would Justin Beiber do that? I bet that pussy would walk off the stage if he got a hang nail. Anywho back to the show... you know who also ruled? WHORE PAINT. These ladies can fucking play man. Shit.
We were at Madison Square Gay Gardens in Allston with CAVE GIRLS again, along with SKI MASK and some other cool Providence bands whose names I can't remember because I got punched in the face during our set. Shit got unplugged, beer was sprayed and someone tried to crowd surfed in a room who's ceilings were like 6 feet high. All the lights went out at one point and we felt like we were at like Altamont... except it was unfinished basement that smelled like BO and weed.
we played at the Tsongas Arena in Lowell, MA with Motorhead. Okay we didn't play the show, but we totally went. Emily injured her neck from head banging too much. Gretch spilled beer all over herself and a teenager that smelled like a hamster ate a plate of nachos on my head (in the front row). Seriously? You're gonna eat nachos in the front row during a Motorhead show. Fuck yourself kid.
Good times baby, good times. Now let us share with you some amazing photos HANK HAUPTMANN took at the Gay Gardens show...